Our Foundation idea 'Back To You' was thought of by a Survivor in 2017 and founded in 2022,as needed.
Contact our support Team in confidentiality(when safe to do so)call,text,WhatsApp…order a pizza if need me calling whilst texting us your addresse or whatever you want us to know so we can help you
24/7 - 07498096836
or visit our 'Contact Us' Page(if safe to do so)ALL OF OUR SERVICES ARE COMPLIMENTARY.
We give free makeovers,massages,counselling,dental treatment,Solicitors,free childcare to victims of stalking & abuse who need to attend court/police station to do a statement,drive you back n forth to supermarkets,debt advice,life coaching,self esteem & confidence boosting,career & legal advice,help with immediate accomodation,safety measures,hacking,wire tapping,Restraining Order s,Non Molestation Orders etc so go to our contact page and we can help you in all aspects of getting back to you-before you met your partner!(or abusive Family member/Neighbour/Employer etc)We are here to help you.
Our 'PAMPER SPA VAN'also visits Refuges,Women s Aid buildings to treat you for free as sometimes it isnt possible to do so in their building so our Pamper Spa Van helps in that way-you still get your Counselling session/Full body Massage,Life Coaching or Reflexology done!
We also sponsor Families on low income-we give them a holiday as some have never been on a holiday as cant afford food!!!We help parent/s with an apprenticeship/career training/getting them work-growing their confidence & skillset so can provide a better life for themselves and their children.
We give Birthday and Christmas presents to your children if you dont have the money to do so.We also provide clothing for all ages-children & adults.
We are there for all different kinds of support for vunerable families in need of help.
We dont want one child to suffer!!!!...or go to bed hungry or cold!!!!!
If you are a child,teenager or adult going through abuse please also (when safe to do so)text,WhatsApp,call us as confidential.We believe you.Trust us as can help you.A home can sometimes be a prison of abuse.Not your fault.You are an amazing child and human being.
Physical,mental and emotional longterm help is key to getting you to a happy,safe place within yourself and your environment.'Back To You Foundation' will succeed in this.We build you back to you-the person before you met this 'individual'who put you through it.You will genuinely smile again...from within.Your life will be peaceful,so to your body,mind & soul.Survivor/warrior and escaping it and living a wonderful life again.
It was never your fault.You are believed.The system doesnt help much or sometimes at all...but we will and will have time for you 24/7.Be proud of yourself and trust us as here to help in any way we can.'Back To You'-we will help you get BACK TO YOU.
If you are foreign or cant speak very good English;dont worry as we shall have Interpreters so no language barrier can get in our way to help you.
We also do prison,refuge,hospice,hospital,hotel,bnb,Women s Aid premises,Local Council visits for your undivided support.
All staff are experienced and qualified plus of course vetted with DBS.
If you know anyone who could benefit from our Foundation-get it touch.
We do not visit homes due to Safety of our staff but can meet in an open air/public safe space-our services will are free and 24/7.
Children are victims too so they will also be supported by qualified DBS checked staff (with Guardian/Safe Parent with him/her)and we liaise with charities like Women s Aid plus other Professionals if need be to establish immediate & longterm help and safety for the victims/survivors.
We support you how to gather evidence plus many legal & appropriate ways on how to get justice-we do not give up n wont...we fight for you to get justice & safety longterm.
Many do not report as think they will not be believed nor will get justice-with us behind you....you are believed and you will get justice legally so can leave the toxity behind and start a new life!!!No abuse.
If you are still going through it and if you need free support in leaving etc then again we can help you....you are no longer alone and having to deal with it.........you can trust us.
Contact us when safe to do so and always delete messages/calls from your phone list & let us know if safe for us to leave a message.Password is always a first with us too which we arrange together at our first chat.
Press enquiries re 'Back To You'Foundation’ contact our Team and we shall get back to you immediately.
If you are a relatable charity who would like to link up with us please get in touch.
100% Donations go to our Back To You Foundation and are needed plus funding/financial support and or gifts so if could help it would be immensely appreciated. We can send you the Foundation bank details and your gift will help support and free a victim of abuse n or stalking so priceless!!!!! Thank you so much in advance x
We want to expand worldwide ie linking up all over the globe with appropriate Agencies plus reinforcing the system to get justice for our victims.(we currently liaise with UK Parliamentary Professionalsand other relevant Professionals; to change Laws so the system protects women & children against an abuser instead of getting away with it or just serving minimum time in prison.)
Our support Team-07498096836 or visit our 'Contact Us' Page(when safe to do so,our phone calls are not recorded & all info is confidential.)
Call 999 if in danger .....if safe to do so.
If not safe to talk when calling 999 press 55 on your mobile after calling 999 (with volume down as perp could hear 999 operator speaking) or you can register to 999...you will then get a text message confirming that you have registered with the service.For more info google,if safe to do so,www.emergencysms.net and www.emergencysms.org.uk and www.rnid.org.uk/esms
(Delete the web history if need be so perp doesnt see what you have been looking at.)
www.gov.uk (legal aid section)
You are believed.................We can help you be safe and get Back To You.